Why and How Farm Eggs Differ?


Gathering Eggs Fall 2021


We lucked out. We began our adventures with chickens in February of 2020 by ordering 8 Barred Rock day old chicks from Meyer Hatchery. Every day after collecting the little peeping box from the post office, we dreamed of having our own eggs.

Why? Well, besides collecting food out of our backyard in our suburban neighborhood, farm fresh eggs taste better. There is a ton of science which I will link below, but here are some of the reasons:

  • Everyone can see firmer, brighter yolks.

  • They make the BEST cakes. Seriously, bake with them (after you have had your fill)

  • They are fresh, and stay fresh easily.

Many people ask why we don’t refrigerate eggs. The USDA recommends small farms to sell UNWASHED eggs. This is what we do. When the momma hen lays an egg, there is a protective bloom that protects it from bacteria. This bloom keeps the eggs safe to eat. If you wash it off, bacteria and air can more easily permeate the shell. So, we don’t wash it off.

If you have bought eggs from us, you may notice they are pretty clean! How? Well, we eat the dirty ones, and we collect daily (more often in the hot summer months), provide good clean aspen bedding in nest boxes and use mobile chicken tractors. More on that later. Here’s some science:


Planning for 2023